Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
537 lines
include hobbes.inc
include extrn.inc
; Plane masks for clipping left and right edges of rectangle.
LeftClipPlaneMask db 00fh,00eh,00ch,008h
RightClipPlaneMask db 001h,003h,007h,00fh
; void HLine( int X1, int X2, int Y, char COLOR )
; void HLineClip( int X1, int X2, int Y, char COLOR )
public _HLineClip
_HLineClip proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,Y
cmp ax,_ClipTop
jl @@hlc_exit
cmp ax,_ClipBottom
jg @@hlc_exit
mov ax,X1
cmp ax,_ClipRight
jg @@hlc_exit
cmp ax,_ClipLeft
jge @@hlc_1
mov ax,_ClipLeft
mov X1,ax
mov ax,X2
cmp ax,_ClipLeft
jl @@hlc_exit
cmp ax,_ClipRight
jle hlc_2
mov ax,_ClipRight
mov X2,ax
jmp short hlc_2
pop ds
pop bp
_HLineClip endp
public _HLine
_HLine proc far
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,_ModeX_Segment ; point ES:DI to the left pixel's address
push si
push di
mov di,Y
shl di,1
mov di,word ptr _RowOffset[di]
mov ax,X1
shr ax,2 ; X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line
add di,ax ; final offset of pixel in page
add di,_Display_Offset
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; set the Sequence Controller Index to
mov al,MAP_MASK ; point to the Map Mask register
out dx,al
inc dx ; point DX to the SC Data register
mov si,X1
and si,0003h ; look up left edge plane mask
mov bh,LeftClipPlaneMask[si] ; to clip & put in BH
mov si,X2
and si,0003h ; look up right edge plane
mov bl,RightClipPlaneMask[si] ; mask to clip & put in BL
mov cx,X2 ; calculate # of addresses across line
mov si,X1
and si,not 011b
sub cx,si
shr cx,2 ; # of addresses across line to draw - 1
jnz @@HL_MasksSet ; there's more than one byte to draw
and bh,bl ; there's only one byte, so combine the left
; and right edge clip masks
mov ah,byte ptr COLOR
mov al,bh ; put left-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ; set the left-edge plane (clip) mask
mov al,ah ; put color in AL
stosb ; draw the left edge
dec cx ; count off left edge byte
js @@HL_Done ; that's the only byte
jz @@HL_DoRtEdge ; there are only two bytes
mov al,00fh ; middle addresses are drawn 4 pixels at a pop
out dx,al ; set the middle pixel mask to no clip
mov al,ah ; put color in AL
shr cx,1
rep stosw ; draw the middle addresses four pixels apiece
adc cx,0
rep stosb
mov al,bl ; put right-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ; set the right-edge plane (clip) mask
mov al,ah ; put color in AL
stosb ; draw the right edge
pop di ; restore caller's register variables
pop si
pop ds
pop bp ; restore caller's stack frame
_HLine endp
; void VLine( int X, int Y1, int Y2, char COLOR )
; void VLineClip( int X, int Y1, int Y2, char COLOR )
public _VLineClip
_VLineClip proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,X
cmp ax,_ClipLeft
jl @@vlc_exit
cmp ax,_ClipRight
jg @@vlc_exit
mov ax,Y1
cmp ax,_ClipBottom
jg @@vlc_exit
cmp ax,_ClipTop
jge @@vlc_1
mov ax,_ClipTop
mov Y1,ax
mov ax,Y2
cmp ax,_ClipTop
jl @@vlc_exit
cmp ax,_ClipBottom
jle vlc_2
mov ax,_ClipRight
mov Y2,ax
jmp short vlc_2
pop ds
pop bp
_VLineClip endp
public _VLine
_VLine proc far
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,_ModeX_Segment ; put video segment in ES
mov cl,byte ptr X ; set the drawing plane for the vline
and cl,011b ; CL = vline's plane
mov ax,0100h+MAP_MASK ; AL = index in SC of Map Mask reg
shl ah,cl ; set only the bit for the vline's plane to 1
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; set the Map Mask to enable only
out dx,ax ; the vline's plane
mov bx,Y1 ; compute the starting address of the vline
shl bx,1
mov bx,word ptr _RowOffset[bx]
mov ax,X
shr ax,2 ; X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line
add bx,ax ; final offset of pixel in page
add bx,_Display_Offset ; adjust for current page
mov cx,Y2
sub cx,Y1 ; compute number of pixels in line - 1
mov al,byte ptr COLOR
mov es:[bx],al ; set the current pixel
add bx,_Virtual_Width_Addr ; jump to the pixel below
dec cx ; decrement the counter
jge @@vl_loop ; loop until less than zero
pop ds
pop bp
_VLine endp
; void HLineR( int X1, int X2, int Y, char COLOR )
; void HLineClipR( int X1, int X2, int Y, char COLOR )
; Draws a horizontal line from (X1, Y) to (X2, Y).
; Uses Watcom Parameter passing convention in registers
; X1 in AX
; X2 in DX
; Y in CX
; Color in BX
public _HLineClipR
_HLineClipR proc
push ds
push @data
pop ds
cmp cx,_ClipTop
jl @@hlc_exitR
cmp cx,_ClipBottom
jg @@hlc_exitR
cmp ax,_ClipRight
jg @@hlc_exitR
cmp ax,_ClipLeft
jge @@hlc_1R
mov ax,_ClipLeft
cmp dx,_ClipLeft
jl @@hlc_exitR
cmp dx,_ClipRight
jle hlc_2R
mov dx,_ClipRight
jmp short hlc_2R
pop ds
_HLineClipR endp
public _HLineR
_HLineR proc far
push ds
push @data
pop ds
mov es,_ModeX_Segment ; point ES:DI to the left pixel's address
push si
push di
mov di,cx
shl di,1
mov di,word ptr _RowOffset[di]
mov si,ax
shr si,2 ; X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line
add di,si ; final offset of pixel in page
add di,_Display_Offset ; adjust for current page
mov cx,bx
mov si,ax
and si,0003h ; look up left edge plane mask
mov bh,LeftClipPlaneMask[si] ; to clip & put in BH
mov si,dx
and si,0003h ; look up right edge plane
mov bl,RightClipPlaneMask[si] ; mask to clip & put in BL
mov si,ax
mov ah,cl ; Get the Color for later
mov cx,dx ; calculate # of addresses across line
; DI-~Y,SI-X1,AH-C,CX-X2,BX-mask
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; set the Sequence Controller Index to
mov al,MAP_MASK ; point to the Map Mask register
out dx,al
inc dx ; point DX to the SC Data register
and si,not 011b
sub cx,si
shr cx,2 ; # of addresses across line to draw - 1
jnz @@HL_MasksSetR ; there's more than one byte to draw
and bh,bl ; there's only one byte, so combine the left
; and right edge clip masks
mov al,bh ; put left-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ; set the left-edge plane (clip) mask
mov al,ah ; put color in AL
stosb ; draw the left edge
dec cx ; count off left edge byte
js @@HL_DoneR ; that's the only byte
jz @@HL_DoRtEdgeR ; there are only two bytes
mov al,00fh ; middle addresses are drawn 4 pixels at a pop
out dx,al ; set the middle pixel mask to no clip
mov al,ah ; put color in AL
shr cx,1
rep stosw ; draw the middle addresses four pixels apiece
adc cx,0
rep stosb
mov al,bl ; put right-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ; set the right-edge plane (clip) mask
mov al,ah ; put color in AL
stosb ; draw the right edge
pop di
pop si
pop ds
_HLineR endp
; void Line( int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int COLOR )
public _Line
_Line proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,_ModeX_Segment
push si
push di
mov ax,_Virtual_Width_Addr
mov byte ptr cs:mod_3+2,al
mov byte ptr cs:mod_6+2,al
mov ax,X1
sub ax,X2 ; compute ax=DX=|X1-X2|
jge short line_1
neg ax
mov si,Y1
sub si,Y2 ; compute si=DY=|Y1-Y2|
jge short line_2
neg si
cmp si,ax
jle line_small_slope
jmp line_big_slope
line_small_slope: ; DX>=DY
mov cx,si ; cx=DY
shl si,1 ; si=2DY
mov cs:(mod_1-2),si ; CONST1=2DY>=0 (need segment override?)
sub cx,ax ; cx=DY-DX
shl cx,1 ; cx=2(DY-DX)
mov cs:(mod_2-2),cx ; CONST2=2(DY-DX)<=0
sub si,ax ; parameter si=P=2DY-DX
mov di,X1 ; these should probably go at the top where
mov bx,X2 ; X1,X2 are first loaded from the stack
cmp di,bx
jl short line_3 ;
mov di,bx ; X1>X2, so di has starting x value (X2)
mov bx,Y2 ; bx has starting y value (Y2)
cmp bx,Y1
jl line_2_add_y
mov word ptr cs:mod_3,0EF83h ; Hex for sub di,(immediate)
jmp short line_2_3_again
mov word ptr cs:mod_3,0C783h ; Hex for add di,(immediate)
jmp short line_2_3_again
line_3: ; X1<X2, so di has starting x value (X1)
mov bx,Y1 ; bx has starting y value (Y1)
cmp bx,Y2
jl line_3_add_y
mov word ptr cs:mod_3,0EF83h ; Hex for sub di,(immediate)
jmp short line_2_3_again
mov word ptr cs:mod_3,0C783h ; Hex for add di,(immediate)
shl bx,1 ; index into big RowOffset table to get
mov bx,word ptr _RowOffset[bx] ; scan line address
mov cx,di ; save X for computation of MapMask
shr di,2 ; add offset (X/4) of pixel in scan line
add di,bx ; and store in di
mov bx,ax ; save count DX
; Our story so far:
; si = P
; bx = DX
; ax = DX
; cx = min(X1,X2)
; di = pixel address
; dx = ?
and cl,011b ; cl = pixel's plane
mov ax,1100h+MAP_MASK ; al = index in SC of Map Mask reg
shl ah,cl ; set only the bit for the pixel's plane to 1
mov cx,bx ; restore count to cx
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; set the Map Mask to enable only
; the pixel's plane
mov bl,byte ptr COLOR
jmp short line_set_pixel
rol ah,1 ; next x
adc di,0
cmp si,0
jge line_neg_p1
add si,2112h ; next p
; SELF-MODIFYING (replace 0000 with CONST1)
mod_1 label word ; label for modification
jmp short line_set_pixel
mod_3 label word
add di,80 ; next y (add or subtract row width)
; SELF-MODIFYING (add/sub)
add si,4269h ; next p
; SELF-MODIFYING (replace 0000 with CONST2)
mod_2 label word ; label for modification
out dx,ax
mov es:[di],bl ; set the pixel (no segment override?)
dec cx
jge line_loop1
jmp line_done
line_big_slope: ; DY>DX
mov bx,ax ; bx=DX
shl ax,1 ; ax=2DX
mov cs:(mod_4-2),ax ; CONST1=2DX>=0
mov dx,si ; dx=DY
shl si,1 ; si=2DY
sub ax,si ; ax=2(DX-DY)
mov cs:(mod_5-2),ax ; CONST2=2(DX-DY)<=0
mov si,ax ; si=2DX-2DY
add si,dx ; si=P=2DX-DY
mov di,X1 ; these should probably go at the top where
mov bx,X2 ; X1,X2 are first loaded from the stack
cmp di,bx
jl short line_6 ;
mov di,bx ; X1>=X2, so di has starting x value (X2)
mov bx,Y2 ; bx has starting y value (Y2)
cmp bx,Y1
jl line_5_add_y
mov word ptr cs:mod_6,0EF83h ; Hex for sub di,(immediate)
jmp short line_5_6_again
mov word ptr cs:mod_6,0C783h ; Hex for add di,(immediate)
jmp short line_5_6_again
line_6: ; X1<X2, so di has starting x value (X1)
mov bx,Y1 ; bx has starting y value (Y1)
cmp bx,Y2
jl line_6_add_y
mov word ptr cs:mod_6,0EF83h ; Hex for sub di,(immediate)
jmp short line_5_6_again
mov word ptr cs:mod_6,0C783h ; Hex for add di,(immediate)
shl bx,1 ; index into big RowOffset table to get
mov bx,word ptr _RowOffset[bx] ; scan line address
mov cx,di ; save X for computation of MapMask
shr di,2 ; add offset (X/4) of pixel in scan line
add di,bx ; and store in di
; Our story so far:
; si = P
; bx = address
; ax = CONST2
; cx = DY
; di = pixel address
; dx = DY
and cl,011b ; cl = pixel's plane
mov ax,1100h+MAP_MASK ; al = index in SC of Map Mask reg
shl ah,cl ; set only the bit for the pixel's plane to 1
mov cx,dx ; restore count to cx
mov bl,byte ptr COLOR
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; set the Map Mask to enable only
; the pixel's plane
jmp short line_loop_enter_2
mod_6 label word
add di,80 ; next y (add or subtract row width)
; SELF-MODIFYING (add/sub)
cmp si,0
jge line_neg_p2
add si,2001 ; next p
; SELF-MODIFYING (replace 0000 with CONST1)
mod_4 label word ; label for modification
jmp short line_set_pixel2
rol ah,1 ; next x
adc di,0
add si,0Bach ; next p
; SELF-MODIFYING (replace 0000 with CONST2)
mod_5 label word ; label for modification
out dx,ax
mov es:[di],bl ; set the pixel
dec cx
jge line_loop2
pop di ; restore caller's register variables
pop si
pop ds
pop bp ; restore caller's stack frame
_Line endp